Bayreuth Research Institute for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (BF/M), Germany

Jörgen Eimecke
Managing Director

Jörgen is Managing Director of the BF/M Bayreuth since 2018 and TeBeISi project coordinator. Since 2015 he has accompanied and led a variety of projects under the ERASMUS+ programme. His academic interests include lifelong learning, information technology and security as well as SME internationalisation. He authored a variety of scientific publications concerning requirements and preferences of HR professionals, studies in the field of eBusiness and E-recruitment and contributions to technology forecasting in unmanned aviation.

Simon Henrik Rath
Project Manager / Research Assistant

Simon is project manager at BF/M Bayreuth where he is responsible for ERASMUS+ projects. He obtained a master’s degree in International Economics and aims to deepen his knowledge in the fields of labour market mobility, innovation and regional development in the European Union. His special interests concern responses to structural change and economic globalisation.


external Partner

Dagmar Kiener
Dagmar takes care of the TeBeISi project administration. With a professional background in International Project Management in Telecommunication Industry, her expertise lies for 17 years in the fields of public sector consultancy, acquisition of public funding and regional development. She has experience in development, realisation of international projects and quality management and is a specialist in EU funds. She is currently working in two ERASMUS+ projects (KA2) as well as independent evaluator for Occupational Mobility (KA1) since 2007.

Hafelekar Business Consultancy, Austria

Dr. Paul Schober
Managing Director

PHD in economics, post graduated academic education management, Coach and Supervisor for Symbolwork, public relations and accounting for a non-profit organization in health and handicapped sector, head of educational department of a vocational training center, development of workshops & trainings; trainer, coach; development of an e-learning center; Currently: chairman of GeSoB, development and management of EU-projects and Innovative Research projects, lecturer at university, Innsbruck and Management Center, publications in the field of education, apprenticeship, entrepreneurship, knowledge management, change management and innovation strategies.
Karin Lackner
Senior Project Manager

Master’s degree in cultural studies; freelance at the publishing company News GmbH; head of department ‘Organisation’ in business area ‘IT & Organisation’ at VA TECH / Vienna; EU project management, human resource development and quality management for the National Agency for Lifelong Learning / Vienna; official expert on EU projects working for the European Commission and the National Agency Austria; Since 2011: business line manager EU projects at Hafelekar responsible for management and coordination of EU projects and innovative technology projects, general project management and consulting in public and private sector.
Leonie Cammerlander
Junior Project Manager

Leonie is a junior project manager at Hafelekar Consultancy. She studied dietetics and holds a BA degree from the Applied University Campus Vienna. Her responsibilities are research activities, development of training material and translation of project results.

Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Prof. Irena Žemaitaitytė
Researcher / Trainer

Professor at the Institute of Education Science and Social Work. She is involved as researcher and trainer in the fields of lifelong learning, non-formal and informal adult education. Project manager of many projects concerning adult education, older person participation in social life, in favour of migrants and other marginalized groups. A trainer in andragogy and facilitator in participatory methods, working on these issues both at local, national and transnational level, a member of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults and a member of the Editorial Board of Societal Studies Research Paper.
Prof. Odeta Merfeldaitė
Researcher, Lecturer

Professor at Institute of Education Science and Social Work. Scientific interests: social pedagogical aid in community; child welfare and socialization. Since 2013 expert of prevention Programmes at National Centre for Special Needs Education and Psychology, since 2009 expert of teachers’ qualification development programmes at Education Supply Centre. Major projects: „Implementation of Average Child Care in Socialization Centres: Socio-Educational Aspect“ (2010-2012); Joint degree master study projects „Joint degree master study programme „Social work with children and youth“ preparation and implementation (2013-2016).
Prof. Asta Railienė
Researcher, Project Coordinator

Assoc. professor at Institute of Education Science and Social Work. Scientific interests: career education and management, critical thinking, exclusion groups integration into labour market. Since 2001 have been working for variety of applied projects as coordinator, expert or researcher. Among them there are projects on modelling universities students career management competencies, education of critical thinking skills and competencies for global labour market; exclusion groups integration in the labour market. Latest publications include scientific articles in field of education based on qualitative and quantitative methodology.
Prof. Agata Katkonienė
Researcher / Lecturer

Master of Educational Sciences. Lecturer at Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work since 2008. Scientific interests: digitizing social services, social welfare, services quality management. Agata Katkonienė took part in 11 international projects as coordinator, tutor or group leader.
Dr. Marius Kalinauskas
Researcher, Lecturer

Phd, lecturer and researcher at Faculty of Economics and Business. His main fields of interests are Gameful Design, Educational Technologies, and Digital Contents. Marius Kalinauskas has participated in numerous local and international projects and has substantial expertise related with the creation of gamified educational content.

Academy of Business and Health Sciences, Poland

Aleksandra Cegiełka-Mendelbaum
Project Coordinator

European project coordinator in Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Nauk o Zdrowiu in Lodz, Poland. Responsible for general administration of the project and local project dissemination strategy. With many years of experience in marketing and public relation. Graduated from Lodz University.

Consulenza Direzionale di Paolo Zaramella, Italy

Dr. Paolo Zaramella
Senior Project Manager

The CEO and founder, of “Consulenza Direzionale di Paolo Zaramella”, is a senior consultant and trainer, with a degree in business administration. Since over 20 years he collaborated with a local training and consulting firm, in charge of research, training and consulting, with particular reference to European initiatives (with the involvement in about 45 projects in recent years) on the topic of business continuity, family business, transfer of innovation, sustainable development, clusters, training profiles certification.
Alberto Maistrello
Senior Project Manager

Education: Bachelor degree in Economics and Statistics sciences, at Padua University. For almost 40 years, he has been a bank manager for the biggest Italian bank group; he was also director of HR department; and he worked for many years in IT & Organization office. Today, he is an independent administrator/manager in a HR company. He is also, officially, in the list of teachers/trainers authorized by Veneto Region. His main training experiences are focused on: communication, leadership, one to one coaching and tailor make paths for unemployed people. And he is an active senior advisor/consultant for “Consulenza Direzionale di Paolo Zaramella” company, as freelance.