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1. How well do the following statements describe your personality?

I am rather reserved.
I trust others easily and believe in the good in people.
I am rather comfortable and tend to laziness.
I am relaxed and handles stress well.
I have few artistic interests.
I am outgoing and sociable.
I tend to criticize others.
I complete tasks thoroughly.
I get nervous easily.
I have an active imagination.

2. Please provide an assessment of your own perception.

I took on extra responsibilities in the domain of information security.
I continually sought new challenges in my work.
I actively participated in meetings and/ or consultations concerning information security.
I complained about minor work-related issues at work.
I made problems at work bigger than they were.
I focused on the negative aspects of my work.
I talked to colleagues about the negative aspects of my work.
I talked to people outside the organisation about the negative aspects of my work.

3. Please provide an assessment of your own perception.

I managed to plan my work so that I finished it on time.
I kept in mind the work result I needed to achieve.
I was able to set priorities.
I was able to carry out my work efficiently.
I managed my time well.
I started new tasks on my own initiative when my old tasks were completed.
I took on challenging tasks in information security when they were available.
I worked on keeping my information-security-related knowledge up-to-date.
I worked on keeping my information security skills up-to-date.
I came up with creative solutions for new problems concerning information security in my firm.

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